====== Freelance Website Translator ====== I'm an Australian who's been living in Germany for the last 3 years and I love the internet and web development. I've been working for two internet based companies during my time here. Firstly for etracker a web analytics / web tracking company and then for freiheit.com a company specialising in building high end web sites. During my time working at both companies I've seen a LOT of web site translations from german to english. Most of them are okay but there is still a LOT of room for improvement. These improvements may seem small and may not even make sense to most people who don't speak english as their first language - however they make a VERY big difference to the users of your web site who are native speakers. To give you that winning edge the difference between a bounce and a new customer I provide a translation service specifically tailored to translation online. I will provide you with a first quote examining your web site and (hmmm can I use some sort of "spider" here??? could I eventually automate it - all those things that I correct over and over again??? could I "teach" a HTM those things and have it do my work for me? ) ===== Services ===== * Ordered set of improvements that you can make in your overall web site design to fit the english speaking worlds mindset better * All of the translation mistakes noted for each page - in a PDF format * For an extra fee I will actually edit all of the HTML templates directly for you or you can provide a login for your CMS and I can make the changes directly for you. ------------------------------------------------------- ====== Sebstandig Website Übersetzer ======